Having new windows installed in your home
Posted on January 16, 2021 at 2:28 pm
If you are considering having new windows installed in your home it is important that you think about what style you want. It may be that you have decided to have a bay window installed or that you are just upgrading from wooden frames to UPVC. The style of the window you chose will alter the price so if you are ok a tight budget it may be worth asking for quotes for a few different types.
Often people replace double glazed windows because the seals have gone and therefore condensation is getting between the panes. This can look unsightly and does means that you will be losing heat out of the room as the seal is no longer air tight. Despite what you may think it even have been told, you don’t have to replace the whole window and frame you can just replace the glass and seals. This often works out a fair bit cheaper and is perfect if only one of the panes is not dealing and the others are fine.
Be sure to get quotes from a few different window companies to make sure you are getting the best price and check what warranty they give you for the windows in case they should fail again 12 months down the line.
Posted in Home